Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Is Tom Watson Just the Start?

Tom Watson has done the right thing and resigned. The question now is: are there others prepared to follow his lead? If so, Tony Blair can look forward to a very troubled few weeks.

A reader emails me to alert me to an entry on Tom Watson's blog on October 15 2005 (HERE)

October 15, 2005
Tory leader
They're having an internal election and half killing each other. Whatever David Cameron has or hasn't done, he's sketching out his views of a future Conservative party. David Davis is playing the man not the ball and who will be the loser in that? The Conservative party of course. Will they ever learn?

Those words sound rather hollow now, don't they?

UPDATE 1pm: Khalid Mahmood has now resigned as a government PPS. Now another four five six PPSs have resigned too.


Jonathan Sheppard said...

Khalid Mahmood jsut thrown in the towel.

Anonymous said...

He might be the first but won't be the last.....A PPS has also now resigned.....Sky News said: 'They are falling like nine-pins' - Oh joy! Even Blair's control freakery isn't working anymore. Bye Bye Tony. Good riddance.

Anonymous said...

Blimey. I turned round and looked at my TV and Sky are saying another Minister has quit. It's hard to keep up...

Anonymous said...

khalid mahmood has now resigned from his position as pps as well

AnyonebutBlair said...

Let the blood letting begin, I for one can't wait. Can any present member of the cabinet rescue (some of) their honour and integrity by resigning? Can Brown still be a member of the cabinet under Blair whilst his allies (i.e. obeying Browns instructions) demand humiliation in Blair naming a date? Watch his space....

Tim said...

So what you're saying, Iain, is that Tom Watson is behind rumours that Tony Blair took cocaine?

Benedict White said...

Would it be unkind if I just pulled up a deck chair and watched the blood letting?

Fighting like rats in a sack! Fantastic. Then hopefuly this lot will get the sack!

Anonymous said...

In Blair's case, an hour is a long time in politics. I just wonder if he will make it to the weekend!

Anonymous said...

How principled of Tom Watson! As a junior defence minister, he's been happy to play his part in overseeing the tragic farce in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Only when it looks like Blair's on his way out does he both to resign!

Anonymous said...

Downing St. have stated (World at One)
that Blair was going to sack him anyway. Do you think he will finally find some gonads and stand up to Brown now? That would make things interesting instead of his continual setting non-existent leaving dates.
And his letter implies he does not believe Blair will resign. But anyone who admits to being an OK sorta guy can obviously be better trusted than some upstart junior minister who should not have been honoured with office.......

Anonymous said...

According to Radio 4 this lunchtime, they were given an ultimatum - retract that letter or resign. It wasn't really them doing the right thing....

I wonder how long this will last? And I can't wait for the Labour conference.....

AnyonebutBlair said...

Is this the time right now for Brown to stop dithering and go for it with a resignation from the cabinet and a statement that he can no longer work under Blair.....or is he too scared? It's not a question of if Blair will survive to 31st May 2007, but until tonight??? Lovin' every moment. I shall buy an expensive bottle of shampoo from Balls Brothers on the way home from the City this evening in anticipation (If not tonight, then I don't think I'll need to have it on ice for too long!)

Louise said...

Does this mean that Tom Watson's blog is going to get interesting again?

Anonymous said...

Et tu, n'tu n'tu ad infinitum -
Bi bi bliar;
Ciao persona marrone scozzese.
Che cosa sublimano la gioia.
In nomine padre, figlio....

The Hitch said...

Tony is on his way out , next for the chop ,Cameron (he can take Osbourne and Letwin with him)

Willetts (shakey)
The supposed "nasties" , in other words practical people, not utopian fantasists, then I will chose the Conservatives rather than BNP or UKIP.

Prodicus said...

You can bet Brown is rapidly weighing his options.

Anonymous said...

If Ed Balls now has a sideline selling shampoo does he know something about the next election we do not?

NuLabour apologist now wanting us to move on...success of the past....only 18 months ago....huge win...people on the doorsteps that I meet, real people....blah de blah.

This is good!

Anonymous said...

Indeed he is just the start... Khalid Mahmood's just resigned at PPS to Tony McNulty

Dr.Doom said...

A rat always runs when the going gets tough. It always leaves a sinking ship first.

Tom Watson is responsible for everything. Iraq war, tuition fees, the lot. It is he who put Labour where it is. Be it good or bad.
His voting record exceeds Blair's by far and is more responsible than Blair for everything. easily proven. In other words, he is a twat.

He is very untrustworthy and he is known to lie.I can prove this easily.

Watson knows that the Blair game is up soon and he wants street cred with Gordy.

I don't trust this man and I never have. Just in case he thinks I'm a cunt, I don't trust his sidekick Liam Byrne another lying twat who lied everyone within earshot. I can prove this. I reported both of them to the Directorate of the West Midlands regional office.Ian somebody or other, or was it Douglas?

Think not of these born again dissenters as being honourable and just but think of them as cowards.

Byers and milburn may be spivs spinning a yarn or two here and there, but when push comes to shove these guys know where their mates are.

Utter utter cunts. nothing less.
Tom Watson is the target seat for the BNP and this is the real reason for his COWARDICE!

DOOM has spoken.

ian said...

Can you refresh my mind as to the last time a Tory resigned on a point of principle?

Anonymous said...

Every heard of dropping like flies!

Dr.Doom said...

Jonathan Scott nails it a little.

Please note the Birmingham link in all of the disloyalty.

This is not about Blair, it is about the proposed clearout of Labour from Birmingham.

Let's see who is accurate.


shergar said...

Remember me, Gordon, when thou enterest thou kingdom.

Well, Tom, you're a shameless, cynical jackal and a backstabber to boot. Welcome to the team!

Anonymous said...

Another four just went.

Anonymous said...

You can watch the unfolding news reporting of this potential demise here:

Anonymous said...

4 more now to

Anonymous said...

BBC news report its seven now!

Anonymous said...

anyonebutblair said: "Is this the time right now for Brown to stop dithering .....or is he too scared?"

He is indeed. Both camps are fingering the nuclear buttons, and we may be about to find out what Blair's got on his nervous neighbour.

Along with 'how to conduct a farewell UK tour', the playbook will include memos on:

- how to conduct a scorched-earth retreat
- how to construct a booby-trap
- how to brew a poison pill
- how to bribe a Trades Union Congress
- how to engineer a Diversionary Event (watch out, Afghanistan)

I wonder where, right now, are Mandelson & Campbell?

Anonymous said...

I bet Brown Gordon is sick to death of 'blow jobs' and being 'rimmed'! School days all over again!

Anonymous said...

Looks like this whole mess is going affect the pound:

Anonymous said...

Blair gone by end Sept, chaps.

Dr.Doom said...

Jonathan queries my description of Birmingham.

It's more accurate to say they are under the umbrella of the West Midlands Regional Labour Party.
Most of them appear to be.
There is a definite link here.

They are ultra loyal to Blair and are showing utter disloyalty.

The word is out that the West Midlands is going to vote BNP and the rats know it's all Blairs fault. Love to hear why though.
The garbage is about timetables.


Anonymous said...


Friends of The Great Ham confirmed earlier reports that seven dwarves committed collective (very non NuL} suicide today. The Great Porker himself is said to be furious see pps
2,4,5,6 & 94.

Praguetory said...

Blair said he had been "intending to dismiss" Mr Watson anyway... (because his actions were) disloyal, discourteous and wrong.
It would therefore have been impossible for him to remain in government."

So, let me get this right - you can get sacked for being disloyal, discourteous and wrong. Well, Prescott is (at best) discourteous and wrong - I'd say "bloody rude, incompetent, corrupt and damaging" so that leads me to conclude that Watson would have been sacked for disloyalty alone. This examplifies the NuLabour project.

Anonymous said...

ScotsToryB said...
If Ed Balls now has a sideline selling shampoo does he know something about the next election we do not?

He's losing his seat. I've known about this for ages. It's something to do with there being too many constituencies in his county.

Anonymous said...

Who wants Khalid Mahmood anyway?

Anonymous said...

This would be a good day to bury David Cameron.

Jeff said...

Bet Tony is on the phone to Georgey boy tonight for advice on how to win an election with fewer votes than everyone else.

He is telling MP's to get on with the business of running the country, well they are, starting by getting rid of the waste of space who is supposed to be leading it.

By the way what has happened to him being questioned over the cash for pearages scam.

I must say though that I am looking forward to him writing his book on his years as PM. It will be interesting to see how well he thinks he has done compared to the reality we all face each day.

Dr.Doom said...

It should be noted that Channel 4 news ran the story of the Birmingham connection and the rats who conspired to do Tony.

This lot voted for everything under Tony and are therefore the worst possible type of politician I can think of.

In it for the money and glory with no scruples whatsoever.
